
Microsoft Devices Sustainability Report

The Challenge

As the private sector increasingly recognizes its responsibility in supporting sustainable development, Microsoft has emerged as a true global leader, both in their commitments to sustainable business practices within the company, and in their innovative and collaborative approach to tackling some of the world’s most urgent challenges. As part of this company wide effort, the Devices group asked us to help them create their Fiscal Year 2019 Sustainability Report. This 100+ page digital document demonstrates much more than just transparent reporting. It represents Microsoft’s proactive and comprehensive approach to sustainability and a commitment to knowledge-sharing that will empower other organizations to amplify the impact of their efforts.

The Outcome

Devices’ approach to sustainability touches every facet of their business and every step in their supply chain, from sourcing raw materials, through finding new ways to recycle and repurpose products at the end of their life. Accordingly, this meant dealing with massive amounts of content and data from a diverse group of stakeholders. It was critical that this content be presented in a clear and engaging way, so that it could serve not only as a report, but as a template for others to use and learn from. In addition to ensuring all the information was approachable and accessible, we identified key features that could be expanded upon with immersive graphics and storytelling. The report has received a fantastic response from within and outside of Microsoft and represents a new standard for transparency and innovation in this space.

The report presents a refreshingly honest look at the challenges we face as a planet and demonstrates that private sector innovation can play a vital role in addressing environmental and social justice issues.

Accessibility and information design were top priorities, but this had to be a report that was relevant outside the realm of boardrooms and government committees.


In addition to the report itself, we designed a modular landing page to present the report on the Microsoft website.

To view the report, click here.

Immersive infographics—like this one about greenhouse gases—help make complex approaches more relatable, and provide easily shareable content that broadens the reach of the report.