Seattle Cancer Care Alliance

“Better Together” Advertising Campaigns

The Challenge

Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (who we’re proud to call our actual neighbor) is a truly world-class cancer care center. For years, SCCA had been marketing themselves as “Better Together,” referring to the value of their three partner organizations—Fred Hutchinson, Children’s Hospital, UW Medicine—and what they learned is that this “organizational power” is not what their patients and providers find most meaningful about their organization. When they’re going through one of the most wrenching and stressful experiences of their lives, what they need to feel is cared for. We were tasked with launching a series of regional ad campaigns that helped pivot their message to focus more on the incredible—and personal—care they deliver to every patient.

The Outcome

The new campaigns represented a radical transformation to the way SCCA shows up in-market. Large, intimate portraits of real patients and providers are both arresting and relatable, and every ad was anchored by a quote from a patient or provider—in their own words. The result is powerful because it’s true. We did a series of strategic campaign releases, designed to build general awareness and preference, and to build awareness around SCCA’s expanding regional network of care centers.

Spanning a variety of media and locales, campaign executions included print, digital, outdoor and transit.