What do you do when an American winemaker gets access to some amazing Italian grapes? You create a wine that embraces the best of both cultures… neither of which are known for subtlety or restraint.
The Mamma Mia label design was inspired by all things Italian, but it wholeheartedly embraces that zesty, charismatic, borderline campy expression that is Italian-American culture. The bold color and geometric pattern is derived from midcentury modern Italian design, an era when Italy’s food, wine and lifestyle began to make their indelible mark on American culture.
“Cin Cin!”—Cheers (formal)
“Pane fin che dura ma vino a misura”—Finish your bread but savor your wine
“Chi non beve in compagnia o è un ladro o è una spia”—Only thieves or spies drink by themselves
“Pan d’un giorno, vin d’un anno”—Have today’s bread but year-old wine
“Che il giorno piu bello del vostro passato, sia il giorno peggiore del vostro futuro”—That the happiest day of your past be the worst day of your future.